Current methods and associated constraints
The paper provides location of items using aisle and shelf numbers, which is not intuitive and requires the picker to refer back and forth to the paper.
User journeys, Idea generation and Concept Testing
The information needs associated with each step are listed beside:
Google glass app UI
Time taken to complete a task and number of errors were measured for tasks completed by AR vs paper.
Time taken to complete a task and number of errors were measured for tasks completed by AR vs paper.
Time taken to complete a task and number of errors were measured for tasks completed by AR vs paper.
Time taken to complete a task and number of errors were measured for tasks completed by AR vs paper.
AR based order picking vs paper based order picking
Time taken to complete a task and number of errors were measured for tasks completed by AR vs paper.
Pick by Paper
Pick by AR
Learn more about the simulation and testing process
Accuracy and Efficiency